Tiffany Berg's profile

Creative Combinations

Curious Combinations
Project 2: Business Logos
Someone once said that a new idea is really only a combination of two old ideas and therefore, creating something no one ever thought before. This sounds easy enough; it’s just smooshing two different things together. What could go wrong? Well, lots of things. No one really wants pickle cupcakes or a hairbrush keyboard. The key is finding combinations that work together, a seamless fusion of two ideas. Business logos serve as a great example of this idea. They are a blending of a name and symbol that work together to promote one idea. Here are few innovative logo creations.
Whales + Tuxedos
PNG Logo File, Digital Mockup, Digital Mockup with Text
Pandas + World Preserve
PNG Logo File, Digital Mockup, Digital Mockup with Text
Burglars + Cyber Security
PNG Logo File, Digital Mockup, Digital Mockup with Text
Creative Combinations

Creative Combinations
